Sunday, 14 March 2010

KERRANG Contents page analysis


•Quote positioned beneath contents.
•Long- informal and relates to audience and challenges audience perceptions.
•Bold typography
•Colour = Brand identity
(Black, white and yellow)
• Red= subs
Designed to convey power
•Live Performance
•Images = Authenticity
•Eye Candy

Great presentational design within the contents page as it consists of mainly strong images, which look incredibly attractive and appealing to look at (main image shows a lot of character and quality).
Cover artists are not the main image of the contents page, which may disorientate the page a bit from them, however there is still a small image of the front cover by the top of the page, that not only provides a brief summary and synopsis to what the magazine will be about, it also reminds us a bit of exactly who it will be about as well so we are not totally defocused and distracted away from them.
The colours black, white and yellow are in heavy use within the page to keep to the magazine’s brand identity and making sure the image and theme that is targeted and intended to the audience is not ridden of incidentally.
The images that are used such as the main image itself is designed to convey power and hilarity. The man whom is posing with his arm crossed and showing the ‘peace’ sign, but also holding a posed, stern face showing a somewhat strong, confident and ‘cheeky’ side to the artist and also to the magazine. He is also bare-chested and covered in tattoos, showing that although he may seem a bit intimidating and aggressive, he is still ironically very empathetic and friendly as he is willing to hold up the ‘peace’ sign, showing a gentle nature to him, emphasizing on the warm humour and hilarity that the magazine is trying to give out.The images also happen to show many live performances from the artists who will appear in the magazine, perhaps showing a more raw and ‘up, close & personal’ side to things, as instead of holding rehearsed photos and showing them posing, they are instead shown performing and therefore doing what they do best and what the audience loves them for. This also creates a much more authentic vibe for the magazine, as instead of everything being fixed and concise, it instead seems much more original, unprocessed and ‘down to earth’.

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